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Powershell: Commonly used command lets

Get Things Done with Powershell. Notes on daily using Powershell.

$PSVersionTable : Get Powershell version
Get-Alias / gal
Get-Item / gi
Set-Item / si
Get-ChildItem / gci


Get the last argument with $$

Example: Create new folder lthwpowershell, then change into that newly created folder

PS F:\Projects> New-Item -Type Directory lthwpowershell

    Directory: F:\Projects

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        6/23/2019   2:28 PM                lthwpowershell

PS F:\Projects> Set-Location $$
PS F:\Projects\lthwpowershell>

On Linux, we use $_ instead.

Generate GUID with New-Guid

PS C:\Users\Tuyen> new-guid


PS C:\Users\Tuyen>

Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * | Select-Object -Property * | Export-Csv -Path C:\Audit\Users.csv -NoTypeInformation
$currentdate = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd
$server = ""
$domain = "ipractice"
Get-ADUser -Server $server -Filter * -Properties * | Select-Object -Property * | Export-Csv -Path C:\Audit\Users-$domain-$currentdate.csv -NoTypeInformation
$server = ""
$domain = "hanoi"
Get-ADUser -Server $server -Filter * -Properties * | Select-Object -Property * | Export-Csv -Path C:\Audit\Users-$domain-$currentdate.csv -NoTypeInformation
$server = ""
$domain = "haiphong"
Get-ADUser -Server $server -Filter * -Properties * | Select-Object -Property * | Export-Csv -Path C:\Audit\Users-$domain-$currentdate.csv -NoTypeInformation
$server = ""
$domain = "nghean"
Get-ADUser -Server $server -Filter * -Properties * | Select-Object -Property * | Export-Csv -Path C:\Audit\Users-$domain-$currentdate.csv -NoTypeInformation
$server = ""
$domain = "danang"
Get-ADUser -Server $server -Filter * -Properties * | Select-Object -Property * | Export-Csv -Path C:\Audit\Users-$domain-$currentdate.csv -NoTypeInformation
$server = ""
$domain = "hcm"
Get-ADUser -Server $server -Filter * -Properties * | Select-Object -Property * | Export-Csv -Path C:\Audit\Users-$domain-$currentdate.csv -NoTypeInformation

Run command one by one, skip the rest if one command return false: &&

echo 1 && echo "sleep 5 seconds" && sleep 5 && echo 2

Run command in backgroud: &

sleep 10 &

Check backgroud job


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