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Showing posts from August, 2018

Windows Command: arp - Address Resolution Protocol

Notes from daily work situation. While troubleshooting HSRP, I need to delete arp table on my computer. arp -d * Take a look at other options with arp command: C:\Users\Administrator>arp /? Displays and modifies the IP-to-Physical address translation tables used by address resolution protocol (ARP). ARP -s inet_addr eth_addr [if_addr] ARP -d inet_addr [if_addr] ARP -a [inet_addr] [-N if_addr] [-v] -a Displays current ARP entries by interrogating the current protocol data. If inet_addr is specified, the IP and Physical addresses for only the specified computer are displayed. If more than one network interface uses ARP, entries for each ARP table are displayed. -g Same as -a. -v Displays current ARP entries in verbose mode. All invalid entries and entries on the loop-back interface will be shown. inet_addr Specifies an internet address. -N if_a...

Ping group on Windows with FOR command

Notes from daily work situation.

VirtualBox: 64-bit Guest OS

While playing with Vagrant, VirtualBox, and MongoDB on my old ASUS ROG Generation 1 - which has Intel Q720 CPU and runs Windows 10 64-bit - I ran into this error. VT-x is not available(VERR_VMX_NO_VMX). Also, VirtualBox list only 32-bit version for guest OS. It is so weird because I can installed Ubuntu 64-bit as guest OS in VirtualBox while booting this laptop in Windows 7 64-bit. I tried removing Hyper-V feature and reboot. VirtualBox now display 64-bit version of guest OSes. And Vagrant works too.

JSON: Notes

JSON stands for J ava S cript O bject N otation

Linux command: du - disk usage

Where have all my storage gone? du summarize disk usage of the set of FILEs, recursively for directories.

Nagios Core

Nagios Core on Raspberry Pi 2. Reset nagiosadmin password Search for htpasswd.users file and look for account name inside which is nagiosadmin as default, then run command to reset password. htpasswd -c /etc/nagios3/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin


CRUD stands for Create Read Update Delete. Those are fundamental operations used to manipulate data stored in any type of database, SQL and NoSQL. We must first take a look at some basic commands with database and collection before diving in CRUD documents. Show all databses show dbs or with anyone going from MySQL, use the following command but without semicolon at the end show databases Check current database db Change database use <databasename> Show colletions in a database show collections Create Collection Create a new "myMovies" collection in "movieScratch" database. Insert documents Insert many documents unordered db.<CollectionName>.insertMany( [ { "key1": "value11" "key2": "value12" }, { "key1": "value21" "key2": "value22" } ], { ordered: false } ) Take a look at the result: The third document cannot be inserted due ...

MongoDB: Free Online Courses

MongoDB University has many free and easy to follow courses that you should take first.

Blogger: Add QR Code of Post's URL

Practice using Google Chart API to insert QR Code of post's URL. Insert the following QR Code snippet to blogger theme

Microsoft Office 365

Sign up Free Trial Microsoft Office 365 Enterprise E3 to explore and extend your skills.

English Pronunciation: Silent T

List of English words with silent 'T'. Word IPA Meanning bustle castle fasten glisten gristle hustle listen moisten mustn't nestle often rustle whistle

Windows Command: where - Search for Files

where is used to search for files that match the search pattern.

C++: Free Online Courses

C++ is a general purpose programming language that supports various computer programming models such as object-oriented programming and generic programming. It was created by Bjarne Stroustrup and, its main purpose was to make writing good programs easier and more pleasant for the individual programmer.

Starting Your Career in the On-Demand Economy

One of free courses from LinkedIn Learning is Starting Your Career in the On-Demand Economy by Garrick Chow.

Create dummy file for testing

Using fsutil Let's create a 21.5MB file (22544384 = 1024 * 1024 * 21.5). fsutil file createNew 21.5MB.iso 22544384