"Google Cloud CLI (Command-Line Interface) is a set of tools that you can use to manage resources and applications hosted on Google Cloud. These tools include the gcloud, gsutil, and bq command-line tools."
PS D:\projects> gcloud --version Google Cloud SDK 452.0.1 beta 2023.10.25 bq 2.0.98 core 2023.10.25 gsutil 5.27 PS D:\projects>
gcloud components update
Available command groups for gcloud: AI and Machine Learning ai Manage entities in Vertex AI. ai-platform Manage AI Platform jobs and models. ml Use Google Cloud machine learning capabilities. ml-engine Manage AI Platform jobs and models. notebooks Notebooks Command Group. workbench Workbench Command Group. API Platform and Ecosystems api-gateway Manage Cloud API Gateway resources. apigee Manage Apigee resources. endpoints Create, enable and manage API services. recommender Manage Cloud recommendations and recommendation rules. services List, enable and disable APIs and services. Anthos CLI anthos Anthos command Group. Batch batch Manage Batch resources. Billing billing Manage billing accounts and associate them with projects. CI/CD artifacts Manage Artifact Registry resources. builds Create and manage builds for Google Cloud Build. deploy Create and manage Cloud Deploy resources. scheduler Manage Cloud Scheduler jobs and schedules. tasks Manage Cloud Tasks queues and tasks. Compute app Manage your App Engine deployments. bms Manage Bare Metal Solution resources. compute Create and manipulate Compute Engine resources. container Deploy and manage clusters of machines for running containers. edge-cloud Manage edge-cloud resources. functions Manage Google Cloud Functions. run Manage your Cloud Run applications. vmware Manage Google Cloud VMware Engine resources. Data Analytics composer Create and manage Cloud Composer Environments. data-catalog Manage Data Catalog resources. dataflow Manage Google Cloud Dataflow resources. dataplex Manage Dataplex resources. dataproc Create and manage Google Cloud Dataproc clusters and jobs. looker Manage Looker resources. metastore Manage Dataproc Metastore resources. pubsub Manage Cloud Pub/Sub topics, subscriptions, and snapshots. Databases alloydb Create and manage AlloyDB databases. bigtable Manage your Cloud Bigtable storage. database-migration Manage Database Migration Service resources. datastore Manage your Cloud Datastore resources. datastream Manage Cloud Datastream resources. firestore Manage your Cloud Firestore resources. memcache Manage Cloud Memorystore Memcached resources. redis Manage Cloud Memorystore Redis resources. spanner Command groups for Cloud Spanner. sql Create and manage Google Cloud SQL databases. Identity active-directory Manage Managed Microsoft AD resources. identity Manage Cloud Identity Groups and Memberships resources. Identity and Security access-approval Manage Access Approval requests and settings. access-context-manager Manage Access Context Manager resources. auth Manage oauth2 credentials for the Google Cloud CLI. iam Manage IAM service accounts and keys. iap Manage IAP policies. kms Manage cryptographic keys in the cloud. org-policies Create and manage Organization Policies. policy-intelligence A platform to help better understand, use and manage policies at scale. policy-troubleshoot Troubleshoot Google Cloud Platform policies. privateca Manage private Certificate Authorities on Google Cloud. publicca Manage accounts for Google Trust Services' Certificate Authority. recaptcha Manage reCAPTCHA Enterprise Keys. resource-manager Manage Cloud Resources. resource-settings Create and manage Resource Settings. secrets Manage secrets on Google Cloud. Internet of Things iot *(DEPRECATED)* Manage Cloud IoT resources. Management Tools cloud-shell Manage Google Cloud Shell. deployment-manager Manage deployments of cloud resources. essential-contacts Manage Essential Contacts. infra-manager Manage Infra Manager resources. logging Manage Cloud Logging. organizations Create and manage Google Cloud Platform Organizations. projects Create and manage project access policies. Mobile firebase Work with Google Firebase. Monitoring monitoring Manage Cloud Monitoring dashboards. Network Security network-security Manage Network Security resources. Networking certificate-manager Manage SSL certificates for your Google Cloud projects. dns Manage your Cloud DNS managed-zones and record-sets. domains Manage domains for your Google Cloud projects. edge-cache Manage Media CDN resources. ids Manage Cloud IDS. network-connectivity Manage Network Connectivity Center resources. network-management Manage Network Management resources. network-services Manage Network Services resources. service-directory Command groups for Service Directory. Other immersive-stream Manage Immersive Stream resources. workspace-add-ons Manage Google Workspace Add-ons resources. SDK Tools beta Beta versions of gcloud commands. components List, install, update, or remove Google Cloud CLI components. config View and edit Google Cloud CLI properties. emulators Set up your local development environment using emulators. source Cloud git repository commands. topic gcloud supplementary help. Security asset Manage the Cloud Asset Inventory. assured Read and manipulate Assured Workloads data controls. scc Manage Cloud SCC resources. Serverless eventarc Manage Eventarc resources. Solutions game Managed Cloud Game Services. healthcare Manage Cloud Healthcare resources. transcoder Manage Transcoder jobs and job templates. Storage filestore Create and manipulate Filestore resources. netapp Create and manipulate Cloud NetApp Files resources. storage Create and manage Cloud Storage buckets and objects. Tools workflows Manage your Cloud Workflows resources. workstations Manage Cloud Workstations resources. Transfer transfer Manage Transfer Service jobs, operations, and agents. Available commands for gcloud: Other cheat-sheet Display gcloud cheat sheet. docker *(DEPRECATED)* Enable Docker CLI access to Google Container Registry. survey Invoke a customer satisfaction survey for Google Cloud CLI. SDK Tools feedback Provide feedback to the Google Cloud CLI team. help Search gcloud help text. info Display information about the current gcloud environment. init Initialize or reinitialize gcloud. version Print version information for Google Cloud CLI components.
Management Tools
gcloud projects list
Enable services
gcloud services enable secretmanager.googleapis.com