VIM is really powerful text editor. VIM stands for Vi IMproved. It is originally written by Bram Moolenaar.
Install vim
apt-get install vim
yum install vim
Display line number
Press Esc, then type :set number
:set number
Make it permanent by editting ~/.vimrc file
$ echo "set number" >> ~/.vimrc
Hide line number
Press Esc, then type :set nonumber
:set nonumber
Display new line character
Press Esc, then type :set list
:set list
Set tab stop space
:set tabstop=4
Common settings in ~/.vimrc file
syntax on set number set tabstop=4
Open file and go to linne number
Open listfile.c and go to line 19
$ vim +19 listfile.c
Common commands
Command | Action |
gg | Go to the beginning of file |
G | Go to the last line of file |
GA | Go to the end of file |
:24 | Go to the 24th line |
x | Delete current character |
dw | Delete current word |
d0 | Delete from current cursor to the begin of LINE |
d$ | Delete from current cursor to the end of LINE |
dG | Delete from current cursor to the end of FILE |
r | Replace current character |
u | Undo |
ZZ | Quit Vim |