To get the latest version of OneDrive, check OneDrive release notes.
Back up your Documents, Pictures, and Desktop folders with OneDrive
File exceeds the maximum path length: Make sure the entire file path, including the file name, contains fewer than 260 characters. An example of a file path is:
To resolve this, shorten the name of your file or the name of subfolders in OneDrive, or select a sub-folder that's closer to the top-level folder.
OneDrive sync reports in the Apps Admin Center
Edit registry
# Run cmd as Administrator REM Enable OneDrive set TenantAssociationKey=Paste-your-Tenant-Association-Key-here reg.exe add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\OneDrive /v SyncAdminReports /t REG_SZ /d %TenantAssociationKey% /f