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GitLab CLI: Notes

Install GitLab CLI - glab - using winget

Install GitLab CLI - glab - using winget
PS F:\Projects\gitlab> glab auth login
? What GitLab instance do you want to log into?
- Logging into

Tip: you can generate a Personal Access Token here
The minimum required scopes are 'api' and 'write_repository'.
? Choose default git protocol HTTPS
? Authenticate Git with your GitLab credentials? Yes
- glab config set -h git_protocol https
✓ Configured git protocol
- glab config set -h api_protocol https
✓ Configured API protocol
✓ Logged in as tuyendq
PS F:\Projects\gitlab>

PS F:\Projects\gitlab> glab repo create lthwgitlab
? Create a local project directory for Tuyen Dang / lthwgitlab? Yes
Initialized empty Git repository in F:/Projects/gitlab/lthwgitlab/.git/
✓ Initialized repository in './lthwgitlab/'
PS F:\Projects\gitlab> cd .\lthwgitlab\
PS F:\Projects\gitlab\lthwgitlab> gci -Force

    Directory: F:\Projects\gitlab\lthwgitlab

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d--h--          8/4/2021   2:02 PM                .git

PS F:\Projects\gitlab\lthwgitlab>

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