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tmux - Terminal Muliplexer

tmux is a terminal multiplexer: it enables a number of terminals to be created, accessed, and controlled from a single screen. tmux may be detached from a screen and continue running in the background, then later reattached.

Debian, Ubuntu
# apt install tmux
Fedora, CentOS
# yum install tmux

MUST remember CTRL+b (aka tmux prefix)

tmux Cheat Sheet

tmux new -s <name> : Create a new tmux session with <name>
tmux attach -t <name>
tmux ls : List all tmux sessions
tmux kill-session -t <name> : Kill session with <name>
CTRL+b+d: Detach current tmux session (exit without closing session)
CTRL+b+s: Swap session
CTRL+b+": Split horizontally (up and down panes)
CTRL+b+%: Split vertically (left and right panes)

CTRL+b+SHIFT+$ : Change the current tmux session's name

Turn on mouse scroll: CTRL+b, then : , then set -g mouse on

$ echo "set -g mouse on" >> ~/.tmux.conf

Free courses to learn tmux

REmux The Tmux | TryHackMe

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