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Showing posts from September, 2019

Cisco: Basic ASA v9.8

Review basics of Cisco ASA.

GNS3: Notes

As usual, notes is for myself and might be useful and also save time for beginners start using GNS3 .

Qwiklabs: Notes

Qwiklabs was launched in 2012, and was acquired by Google in November 2016. It is a hands-on lab platform for learning GCP and AWS.

English: Voiced and Voiceless Sounds Minimal Pairs

Voice and voiceless sounds minimal pairs.

Default username and password

Default username and password that we may need.

Microsoft Outlook: Commonly used shortcut keys

Get lazy 😉 with commonly used shortcut keys in Microsoft Outlook

Cisco: Basic InterVLAN Routing with Layer 3 Switch

InterVLAN Routing is another building block exercise for beginners.

Cisco: Basic NAT

Try this basic NAT to test GNS3 running on Fedora Workstation 30.

Linux command: dnf

Notes while using DNF — software package manager — on Fedora Workstation 30.

KVM on Fedora

KVM stands for Kernel-based Virtual Machine, which is an open source virtualization technology built into Linux.

Hyphen -, En Dash – and Em Dash —

Hyphen - is the shortest, while Em dash is the longest.