Ever thinking about which programming language to learn first? You can learn Python for free with these online courses.
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
https://www.coursera.org/learn/pythonThink Python
http://greenteapress.com/thinkpython/html/index.htmlIntroduction to Python: Absolute Beginner
https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-to-python-absolute-beginnerIntroduction to Python: Fundamentals
https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-to-python-fundamentals-3Build on what you learned in the “Introduction to Python: Absolute Beginner” course, and dig into data structure basics.
What you'll learn
- Python 3 fundamentals
- Strings and List manipulation
- Methods to Iterate through strings, lists and ranges
- Creating, reading and writing to files
Python 3 Tutorial
https://www.sololearn.com/Course/Python/Python on Geek University
https://geek-university.com/python/python-online-course/Google's Python Class
https://developers.google.com/edu/python/Python - Kaggle.com
https://www.kaggle.com/learn/pythonThis course covers the key Python skills you’ll need so you can start using Python for data science. The course is ideal for someone with some previous coding experience who wants to add Python to their repertoire or level up their basic Python skills. (If you're a first-time coder, you may want to check out these "Python for Non-Programmers" learning resources.)
Python Tutorial on JournalDev
Crash Course on Python