Workaround: remove ipmi_si_drv esxcli software vib remove --dry-run --vibname ipmi-ipmi-si-drv esxcli software vib remove --vibname ipmi-ipmi-si-drv ~ # esxcli software vib remove --dry-run --vibname ipmi-ipmi-si-drv Removal Result Message: Dryrun only, host not changed. The following installers will be applied: [BootBankInstaller] Reboot Required: true VIBs Installed: VIBs Removed: VMware_bootbank_ipmi-ipmi-si-drv_39.1-4vmw.550.0.0.1331820 VIBs Skipped: ~ # ~ # esxcli software vib remove --vibname ipmi-ipmi-si-drv Removal Result Message: The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective. Reboot Required: true VIBs Installed: VIBs Removed: VMware_bootbank_ipmi-ipmi-si-drv_39.1-4vmw.550.0.0.1331820 VIBs Skipped: ~ #
Practice until you can't make it wrong.